Sunday, 17 October 2010

What this Blog Seeks to Do

In The past Years ,there has been a Insurgency of Aryan Nationalism.

Aryan nationalism is a Recent Ideology wich bases itself on :

the Idea,that Aryan peoples are Culturally,linguisticly,mentally and politically Superior to other peoples.

the Beleif in this doctrine and the practice of its tenets,especially regarding Perceived Lower Humans.

Now,the Main Attacks by the Aryanists has been on Arabs .

mainly Claiming :

1.Arabs were Nomads in the Desert,they had no civiilization until coming into contact with the Persian civilization.

all scientists were persian of the islamic era,and the arabs only borrowed persian science.

2.Iran was a victim of Arab Invasions,and iranians are innocent of any crimes against arasb prior to this invasion.

now in this blog,i Seek to Adress these issues,and widespread Propoganda.

this Blog does not Seek to  :

1.Incite hatred towards persians

2.Claim that Arabs are somehow superior to other races

we seek to adress the issues presented agaisnt us.

and we want to bridge the gap between the Arab and the Ajam,but only thru mutual Respect.