Monday, 18 October 2010

Ashur vs Faravahar

Ashur  :

Ashur  is from 3000 B.C and Represented the Head Diety of the city of Ashur.

He was the main Diety in the Pantheon of Neo-Assyrian gods.
Teh Epithets of This Diety included :

bêlu rabû "great lord", ab ilâni "father of gods", šadû rabû "great mountain", and il aššurî "god of Ashur"

The Symbols of Ashur include :
a winged disc with horns, enclosing four circles revolving round a middle circle; rippling rays fall down from either side of the disc;
2.a circle or wheel, suspended from wings, and enclosing a warrior drawing his bow to discharge an arrow;
3.the same circle; the warrior's bow, however, is carried in his left hand, while the right hand is uplifted as if to bless his worshipers (see picture).

now lets see the faravahar

Now for people who dont know anything about History the Faravahar  The Aechamanid Emperors included ths into their state religion called Zoroastrianism and Spread this Religion thru out there Empire.

in the Avesta there is no mention of the faravahar or anything depicting Ahura mazda,as this was Generally Forbidden .

The Persian god Ahura Mazda hovers above the king in sculptured representations of that high dignitary, enclosed in a winged wheel, or disk, like Ashur, grasping a ring in one hand, the other being lifted up as if blessing those who adore him.''''-

looks like this is a Bida (بدعة)in the Zoroastrian faith!

i hope Persians Abandon this Egyptian Symbol and dont commit Bida in their religion!