Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Persian Science?

The biggest Lie in Aryanist circles in Undoubtely the Myth of PErsian Scientists.
The First Claim is that the Persians had Scientists Before islam,and afetr the invasions of the Muslims,the muslims had copid this scientifical knowledge.

lets see the auhtenticity of this claim:

1.The Only Persian Scientist Aryanists can Give is Borzuya

However Borzuya only Translated the Indian Works into Pahlavi,These works were Herbal Knowledge and had nothing to do with any Inventions.

Furthermore he was only a Pyschician,he was not a Scientist.

Herbal Knowledge is Great in All but if we were to call this Science we must include the Native Americans and others into the list of Great scientists after all they did have the best herbal knowledge.

Science must be Defined as having invented something,a new idea,or a new concept.

Did The Avesta contain Science?

the Zoroastrian books contained some knowledge of medicine,this is similar to Ayurveda among the Indians,it claims to be From the Aryan god Brahman,and The avesta medecine claims to be from Their diety ahura Mazda,it is entitrely lickely the aryan tribes of the Persians and The Indians got this Tribal knowledge from the same Source.

However all Cultures had Herbal Treatments,and Even the Hadith Books have Sections called Kutub Al-Tibb(books of Medecine)wich conmtain Hadiths From the prophet Muhammad(sws)on Medecine.

Furthermore the bible also contains Passages on Medecine but it Also contains Scientifical Errors. Scientific errors in the Bible: Light of Moon

the Same is with the Zoroastrian Books,it contains Scientifical Errors

1. It is said that Hormuzd granted prophethood to Yim (Noah), but he refused to take that responsibility. Similar actions of disobedience to God are ascribed to Vakhshur (prophets), which are contrary to reason and common sense. Did not God know before hand that such and such person was not fit for the onerous work of a prophet? Vakhshur or prophets come into the world as models and, examplaries, and if they themselves begin to disregard God's commandments, what guidance will they give to others?
2. It is believed that a dead body makes unclean the earth, the air and the men who carry it; and that the wards of hell enter into a dead body and on seeing a dog they leave the body and fly away. (Vendidad. VIII: 14-21) All this is nothing but old superstitions.
3. Women are considered to be so unclean and dirty during their days of menstruation that even their meals are not properly served to them. Food can not be handed over to these unclean women, but is thrown away from a distance in a pan or pot. They can not eat to their fill nor can they drink such a pure thing as water, except when they begin to die of thirst. (Fargard V:45, VII:70)
4. Killing a dog is more punishable an offence than a man's murder. Even giving bad food to a dog is also more punishable than killing a man. Ninety lashes is the punishment for a murder and two hundred iashes for improperly feeding a dog. If a woman drinks water after giving birth to a child, she is punishable with two hundred lashes; and the penalty for an unclean man's touching water or a tree is four hundred lashes. Burying a dead body or burning it, is an offence that cannot be atoned or pardoned at all. (Fargard, IV:49, VII:20, VI:5, V:39-44, VI:47 and VIII:22-29)

(Note the quran is based on science and has no scientific errors like these false books)

So this can not be used as a Excuse to say there was science in Pre-islamic PErsia.

2. Lets take a look at the ''Persian Scientists''and see their Actual Origins

Abū ‘Alī al-Ḥusayn ibn ‘Abd Allāh ibn Sīnā, (Born in c. 980  in Afshana,Bukhara)

He was a Khwarizmi Scientists and not a Persian Scientist Furthermore According to Aryanists themselevs eh Translated Indian works into Arabic and he did not Really Invent anything

Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī (Born in c. 872 in Faryab,Khorasan)

There are some Biographers that assert he had a Persian Father but :

According to D. Gutas, "ultimately pointless as the quest for Farabi’s ethnic origins might be, the fact remains that we do not have sufficient evidence to decide the matter(Dimitri Gutas, "Farabi" in Encyclopædia Iranica, Online Edition. accessed April 4, 2010. )

 Ibn Abī Uṣaibiʿa  in his Biography titled Oyun said he was from a Persian Family But other ssuch as Ibn Khallikan  in his Work Waffayat says he was from a Turkish Family .

futhermore his Nisba is Abū Naṣr Moḥammad b. Moḥammad al-Ṭarḵānī

Tarkan is  a Turkish name .and this is his title in Early Works.Works wich stem from his contemporaries.

according to Iraqi Scholars like Ibn Khallikan Awzalaḡ was also among his names and this is a turkish name.

Ibn Khallikan was not a Arabist and had no Bias in Saying this.

Muhammad ibn Zakariyā Rāzī

He was Likely Azeri and Not persian.

Abu Musa Jābir ibn Hayyān

he was a Lakhmi Arab and not a Persian,he was from a christian tribe,but was a muslim.

furthermore he was a Student of the islamic scholar Jafar Bin Muhammad al-Sadiq ,and he learned his Knowledge from Him.

He is Described as ''''the Father of Chemistry'',He invented the Robot 1200 Years ago and he Invented the Aeroplane 1200 Years ago.

in a  Upcoming article i shall mention how he is related to Jafar Bin Muhamamd al-Sadiq.

Ibn Khaldūn

he was a Hadhrami Arab  in his AutoBiography he Says :And our ancestry is from Hadhramaut, from the Arabs of Yemen, via Wa'il ibn Hajar, from the best of the Arabs, well-known and respected." (p. 2429, Al-Waraq's edition)
Ibn Tufail  he was a Qaysi arab .this Tribe was a Adnani tribe famouis in arabia.they also were famouis for fighting in the Battle of Khaybar.

Abū Rayḥān Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Bīrūnī

He was a Khwarizmi not a Persian.

Abū 'l-Walīd Muḥammad bin Aḥmad bin Rushd

he was Arab not persian

Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī

he was a Khwarizmi and not Persian

Ala al-Din Abu al-Hassan Ali ibn Abi-Hazm al-Qurashi al-Dimashqi
he was a quraishi not persian!

Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham

He was Arab from a Famouis Tribe from Basra,he was also under the Patronage of the Hashemite Caliph Al-Hakim bi AmrAllah,and he did not base his works except on the Hadiths of Jafar Bin Muhammad al-Sadiq.

Furthermore We have arab Scientisst wich all came before these people:

 ibn Rushd,al-Haythami,Jafar bin Muhammad al-Sadiq,ibn tahrir Baghdadi,al-baqilanni(extended atomism to time and motion)Al-Hajja ibn Yusuf ibn mattar(Mathemitician)(Al-Hamda­ni,a Great yemeni Astronomer)Ibn hubal(kutub al-Tibb(books of medecine)al-Jahizi(a biologist and Mutazili)Ibn al-thahabi(a Omani physchian that migrated to Velencia)Al-Uqlidisi(Arab from Damascus invented Decimals)all did not translate indian works.

But According to Aryanists themselves Their own Alleged Scientists translated Indian Works.

I Rest my Case.